Mass calling
Communicate quickly and effectively with your residents
This new Mass Calling tool is perfect for those moments when you need to inform residents promptly and clearly, reducing misunderstandings and ensuring everyone is on the same page. You can use it for urgent notifications or upcoming notices.
Examples on when to use Mass Calling
Emergency Water Shutoffs
Quickly notify residents about unexpected water shutoffs and provide them with the expected restoration time.
Parking Notices
Inform everyone about parking lot maintenance, such as snow plowing, and ensure vehicles are moved in a timely manner.
Late Rent
Select the “Past Due” tag and send a message to residents that have a past due balance.
How it works
1. Choose your residents
Select all, individual residents or specific groups based on tags.
2. Record your message
Give your mass call a title and description, then call the # on your screen and record your message.
3. Message sent
Notify will call all of the selected residents and play them your message.
4. Confirmation
Message confirmation will be sent to your email, and all message history will live on the residents page. Audio file and call status report will be included.
Seamless Integration and Affordable Pricing
To start using Mass Calling, you’ll need an integration with Realpage, Yardi, or Entrata. Notify automatically syncs every night with your property management software, so your resident list is always up to date. It’s that easy!
The setup fee for this integration is just $99. Once integrated, you can activate Mass Calling for only $10 per month per property!
Coming Soon: Text Notifications
We’re excited to announce that texting will be available soon! Stay tuned for more updates on how you can enhance your communication with residents through text notifications. Check out the texting feature here.