
Lou, the AI Maintenance Filter (BETA)

Notify’s newest feature will stop non-emergency messages from escalating, saving your on-call staff from unnecessary disruptions. Notify will also let the resident know the status of their emergency call, immediately after leaving their message. 

Here’s how Lou works:

Resident leaves an emergency message

Lou, the maintenance AI reviews the message

Lou determines if it is or is not a maintenance emergency

Lou calls resident back with a personalized message

For those that are curious, learn how we trained Lou on this page.

Does this sound interesting? Become a BETA tester!

Fill out the form, and we’ll reach out and let you know what it means to be a BETA tester for Lou, the Maintenance Filter.

If you’re not a current HelloSpoke customer, no worries! We are giving properties 2 months free service to test things out and provide feedback.


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