80% of callers would rather hang up over leaving a message
According to some
recent studies, 80% of callers that are sent to voicemail won’t leave a message. Some believe the voicemail will never be heard, and some need instant gratification and will call someone else. Who wants to wait for a call back?
If you’re not at your desk at all times, you could be missing out on a lot of business.
Carry your business phone in your pocket

The hello
spoke mobile app can help make sure you are connecting with your callers wherever you are. It functions just like your desk phone.
And more
Every user gets the
hellospoke mobile app free with their subscription. Once you’re set up you can make and take phone calls from anywhere. Everyone will think you’re in the office and customers won’t accidentally get your mobile number!
See how one customer exclusively uses the mobile app to give customers a better experience and save money.
Disaster recovery built in
If your internet or network goes down, you lose electricity, or there’s a Zombie Apocalypse … calls can still happen through the hello
spoke mobile app. For tips on creating a disaster plan for your business phone system, check out
this blog post.
To learn more about the
pricing, or
setup for our VoIP business phone service,
visit this page.
Say goodbye to over-priced phone service. Say hello